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11- Your elbow can be another fulcrum.

. True
. False
10- In your arm the fulcrum is in your hand.

. True
. False
9- The nutcracker is a lever where the load arms are as short as possible.

. True
. False
8- The fulcrum never can be at the end of the arms.

. True
. False
7- The forces at the end of the the scissors load arms of are longer than the other arms.

. True
. False
6- The screw is not the fulcrum in a scissors.

. True
. False
5- The scissor could be considered like two levers.

. True
. False
4- When you try to pull a nail with a hammer you produce a great force near the nail.

. True
. False
3- If you move the fulcrum nearer the load you could lift it easier.

. True
. False
2- If the fulcrum is in the middle you will need the same force to lift the load.

. True
. False
1- The lever is a complicated machine.

. True
. False
11- Your elbow can be another fulcrum.

. True
. False
10- In your arm the fulcrum is in your hand.

. True
. False
9- The nutcracker is a lever where the load arms are as short as possible.

. True
. False
8- The fulcrum never can be at the end of the arms.

. True
. False
7- The forces at the end of the the scissors load arms of are longer than the other arms.

. True
. False
6- The screw is not the fulcrum in a scissors.

. True
. False
5- The scissor could be considered like two levers.

. True
. False
4- When you try to pull a nail with a hammer you produce a great force near the nail.

. True
. False
3- If you move the fulcrum nearer the load you could lift it easier.

. True
. False
2- If the fulcrum is in the middle you will need the same force to lift the load.

. True
. False
1- The lever is a complicated machine.

. True
. False
11- Your elbow can be another fulcrum.

. True
. False
10- In your arm the fulcrum is in your hand.

. True
. False
9- The nutcracker is a lever where the load arms are as short as possible.

. True
. False
8- The fulcrum never can be at the end of the arms.

. True
. False
7- The forces at the end of the the scissors load arms of are longer than the other arms.

. True
. False
6- The screw is not the fulcrum in a scissors.

. True
. False
5- The scissor could be considered like two levers.

. True
. False
4- When you try to pull a nail with a hammer you produce a great force near the nail.

. True
. False
3- If you move the fulcrum nearer the load you could lift it easier.

. True
. False
2- If the fulcrum is in the middle you will need the same force to lift the load.

. True
. False
1- The lever is a complicated machine.

. True
. False

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