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english english english

1.- To be about to lose one's patience is to be "... the ... of the ..." (write the three words with a - and no spaces between them).

2.- To be in a difficult situation is to be

3.- If you are making profit, you're

4.- To reach the lowest point is to

5.- Wasted money is money down the

6.- Something calls your attention and makes you desire to try it when it

7.- When something is in its highest point, it's

8.- I need money to start a company

I need money to ...

9.- Something to think about is

10.- We are (living with little money) so, if a give you money, I'l have to (manage to live with little money).

Write both expressions separated by a - . Do not write a space or a point between the end of the first answer and the -, or between the - a

11.- An expression used to warn about some posible problem

12.- I got up ... to study all day, but by midday I had ... so I went to sleep.

Write both expressions separated by a - . Do not write a space or a point between the end of the first answer and the -, or between the - and the second answer, or after t

13.- I told him he should see a doctor but he said he was (very lively and energetic). Some days later he was feeling (badly) and decided to follow my advice. The doctor said (a warning) and we all thought (he was about to die). But some days later he was (com

14.- It's so sad and shocking. Some days ago he was (not dead and in good health), and working (with all forces), getting up (very early) and (working late) too. We all thought he would live to a (very old age), but now it seems that he will (die) soon. It was

15.- What expression is used in "Battle of sexes" to mean "easier, not so complicated"

16.- Make small changes

17.- Strategy

18.- Dejar, entregar

19.- Unpleasant and long situation

20.- Demoler

21.- A game or activity in which, when you gain in one part, you lose in the other.

22.- Estancarse

23.- Become tired or less enthusiastic (verb)

24.- Unir algo soldándolo

25.- De activación, surgimiento o efecto tardío

26.- Minorista, venta al por menor, al por menor

italiano 3 ,vocabulario en italiano. Categorías:vaocabulario ,italiano. Preguntas:100
italiano 2 ,vocabulario en italiano . Tags:italiano ,vocabulario. Preguntas:99
Italiano ,Vocabulario en italiano. Categorías:italiano ,vocabulario ,. Preguntas:90
phrasal verbs ,ADVANCED. Tags:phrasal ,verbs. Preguntas:100
Español - Repaso 1 ,Haremos un repaso del alfabeto español, los pronombres personales y los artículos.. Categorías:español ,básico ,pronombres ,artículos. Preguntas:20
English Test ,This test is created by the English Department of TeamCreed to test the English level of each team member. . Tags:english ,level ,teamcreed. Preguntas:25
test 1 ,tema 1 (pronouns,to be,colours). Categorías:test ,1. Preguntas:20
Personal Feelings, Opinions and Experiences (Adjectives) ,Vocabulario de sentimientos, opiniones y experiencias en inglés. Tags:Personal ,Feelings ,Opinions ,and ,Experiences ,(Adjectives) ,jfnd. Preguntas:139
Adjetivos sueltos ,Algunos adjetivos sueltos en inglés. Categorías:Adjetives ,jfnd. Preguntas:80
English test ,basic knowledge of English. Tags:English ,test. Preguntas:21
Comparatives ,Little exam of comparatives, superlatives and similarities.. Categorías:comparatives. Preguntas:10
Past tense verbs quiz 1 ,repaso de verbos en inglés. Tags:past ,tense ,verbs ,past ,simple. Preguntas:15
English IV ,Grammar and Vocabulary. Categorías:grammar ,vocabulary ,english. Preguntas:15
ENGLISH LEVEL TEXT - GRAMMAR ,This test determines your level of English Grammar. Al-Andalus Language Solutions - All Rights Reserved. Tags:English ,Grammar ,Test. Preguntas:10
IRREGULAR VERBS ,Elegir el infinitivo,pasado y participio de pasadp. Categorías:VERBOS ,IRREGULARES ,INGLES ,PRIMARIA ,6. Preguntas:20
Listening test ,Test to check listening comprehension. . Tags:comprehension ,listening.. Preguntas:7
Listening test ,Listening comprehension . Categorías:listening ,. Preguntas:8

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