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Idiomas1º bachillerato

Vocabulary test from unit 1

Translate into Spanish: relative

. familiar
. pariente
Translate into Spanish: parents

. padres
. parientes
Translate into Spanish: slim

. ondulado
. delgado/a
Translate into Spanish: sympathetic

. simpático
. empático
Translate into Spanish: sensible

. sensible
. sensato
Translate into Spanish: lazy

. perezoso/a
. lazo
Translate into Spanish: bear

. oso
. barba
Translate into Spanish: scruffy

. bronceado
. desaliñado
Translate into Spanish:smart

. inteligente
. honesto
Translate into Spanish:stylish

. estilista
. elegante
Translate into Spanish:caring

. atento/cariñoso
. tímido
Translate into Spanish:auburn

. berenjena
. rojizo
I can't stand ........ for friends

. to cook
. cooking
He doesn't want ..... at the back

. to stay
. staying
I can't wait friends next weekend.

. to meet
. meeting
We stopped because it started .......

. playing/to rain
. to play/ raining
yesterday I stopped ...... because I was tired

. studying
. to study

Cambridge Reading and Writing ,idiomas. Tags:verbs. Preguntas:8
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Italiano ,Vocabulario en italiano. Categorías:italiano ,vocabulario ,. Preguntas:90
PHRASAL VERBS: GET ,For each space in each sentence, use the verb Get (in the correct tense) with one of the prepositions from the box. Sometimes you need to put the object/pronoun between the main verb and the preposition - in these cases, the object/pronoun can be found in. Tags:multiple ,choice. Preguntas:13
45465456 ,klhjlkhjklhklh. Categorías:Preguntas ,Control ,de ,internet. Preguntas:11
¿Qué serás? ,Un examen para ayudarte a saber lo que vas a hacer en tu futuro.. Tags:empleo ,futuro ,espanol. Preguntas:8
Examen 2 ,Examen de Ingles 2. Categorías:Examen ,1. Preguntas:9
phrasal verbs ,ADVANCED. Tags:phrasal ,verbs. Preguntas:100
zdffwe ,Había una vez un perro que se llamaba pa fuera un dia le dijeron pa fuera pa dentro y explotó.El funeral es a las 6.. Categorías:grandioso. Preguntas:20
Past Perfect ,Change the verb into the correct form of the past simple or present perfect. Tags:past ,perfect ,y ,present ,perfect. Preguntas:8

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