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1 Contents are grouped into:

. Linguistic and non linguistic
. Conceptual, procedural and attitudinal
2 What are the four stages of a well structured lesson?

. Warm-up, presentation, practice, production
. Listening, reading, speaking, writing
3 How many aspects must be taken into account before putting the didactic unit into practice?

. four
. six
. seven
. eight
4 Blooms taxonomy. Choose the missing ones: Evaluation, Synthesis, Analysis, Application...

. Comprehension and knowledge
. Understanding and doing
. Repeating and practice
5 There are children who learn a FL with a global way. What does it mean?

. They focus on the language as a whole interrelated system
. They pay more attention to details
6 What is the main advantage when adults are learning a FL?

. They have studied FL before
. Motivation
. Behaviour: they are calm
. Brain plasticity
7 Which one is better related with the integrated curriculum?

. Interdisciplinary teaching
. Isolated teaching
. Task based learning
8 What does CLIL stand for?

. Content and learning in Language 2
. Content and language integrated learning
9 Who developed the theory of Constructivism?

. A british builder
. Noam Chomsky
. Jean Piaget
. Vygotsky
10 According to Halbach, how do children acquire knowledge better?

. Through scaffolds
. In a holistic way
. Following the constructivism theory
11 With one is better related with the Integrated Curriculum?

. interdisciplinary teaching
. isolated teaching
. task based learning
12 When designing activities for our students, what do we have to take into account?

. The stimulation of the two hemispheres
. The five basic competences proposed by Canale and Swain
. The different learning styles of the students
13 In orden students can learn better, teachers must:

. Repeat and repeat concepts
. Present the contents with a large amount of visual materials
. Force students to speak in Fl even at the early stages
. Give them homework
14 The main characteristic of the direct is that:

. Children are awarded whenever they achieve something
. Learning starts through oral interaction
. Intensive reading activities
15 According to Saussure, language can be studied in two different points of view

. Through the four skills
. Synchronic and Diachronic
16 What is linguistic competence?

. The use of language in different situations
. The use of language for specific purposes
. The knowledge of the language
17 Wich definition matches with methodology?

. Practices and procedures used in teaching
. Principles underlying a particular set of teaching practices
. Specific procedure for carrying out a teaching activity
18 The difference between language acquisition and language learning leads in that:

. Language acquisition is good, language learning is boring
. Acquisition is natural, learning is conscious
. Acquisition is only possible with a native teacher
19 According to Cummins, Common Underlying Proficiency, provides the base for the development of:

. FL acquisition
. FL learning
. L1 and FL
20 With one of the following statements is true?

. Scaffolds are temporary
. Scaffolds are also necessary at the Upper stages
. Scaffolds are only necessary at the early stages
21 With one is not a feature of the Grammar Translation Method?

. Emphasis on oral skills
. Emphasis on grammar and translation
. Relation between rules and meaning
22 What does the critical period hypothesis support?

. Adults are not able to learn a FL properly
. Adults can reach a native level with a lot of effort
. Children can learn a FL as natives
23 Which are the primary factors to lead the class in FL?

. Instrumental / extrinsic and integrative / intrinsic
. Purpose, competence, belonging
. Audibility, attention, recognition, perception
24 How many types of motivation are there?

. Two: instrumental and integrative
. Three: purpose, competence and belonging
25 What hypothesis does the sensitive period support?

. Adults are not able to learn a FL properly
. Children can reach FL as natives
. Adults can be proficient in L2
26 Assumed knowledge is

. what students already know
. What teachers think students know
. what students will learn
27 The first method that appeared in USA due to the poor success of GTM was

. the direct method
. the TPR
. the audiovisual method
29 Overcorrection may lead us to motivation

. False
. True
30 The goal of Generativism is

. to analyze language found in masterpieces
. to describe linguistic competence
. to stydy language from a discursive point of view
31 What is the ZPD?

. ZaPatero´s government was Depressing
. difference between what students can do alone and with help
. Zone of Peripheral Development
32 Aspects to take into account when planning

. Listening, reading, speaking, writing
. Be nice to kids
. Warm-up, presentation, practice, production
. Varied activities, logical sequence, properly paced and timed
33 Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation are:

. Second language acquisition stages
. Blooms taxonomy stages
. Primary factors to lead the class
34 Content teachers must

. Use new methods and put into practice communicative skills
. Have a good command of L2
. Have a C2 level of L2
35 In cooperative learning, the teacher is

. a controller and judge
. an organizer and active participator
. the major source of assistance
. a mere observer
36 _ take place when learners know a _ but make a mistake when _ language

. mistakes/ chunk/ acquiring
. errors/ rule/ learning
. mistakes/ rule/ producing
37 Extroverted students are generally good at developing intralinguistic competence

. true
. false
38 What is method?

. to put into practice a series of procedures
. a specific procedure for carrying out a teaching activity
39 What is the most common way to teach English nowadays?

. The communicative Approach
. The direct method
. The audiovisual method
40 The constructivism is based on the idea that children learn better through

. immitation
. by taking part
. repetition
41 Children who learn a FL with a global way pay more attention to details and

. try to understand every nuance of the language
. try to understand content as a whole
42 What is a key area for Spanish speakers to learn?

. grammar
. vocabulary
. pronunciation
43 ¿Cuál es el objetivo secundario de la enseñanza de la literatura?

. communication
. translation
. to acquire vocabulary
. the speaking resources
44 Wich is NOT a feature of Cooperative learning?

. it provides chances of input and output
. it creates an effective climate
. it provides a variety of language functions
. It gives the teacher total control of the class
45 In our lessons, what do we have to take into account?

. The different learning styles of the students
. The five basic competences proposed by Canale and Swain
. The simulation of the two hemispheres
. Present the contents with an instructional design
46 What is the best definition for CLIL?

. Contents Linguistically Implemented in Learning
. An approach in which FL is used to learn the FL and the contents
. Both A and B
. No one of above
47 The main challenge Content teachers have to deal with is:

. to leave behind traditional methods in favor of new ones where students can put into practice their communicative skills
. to have a good command of L2
. to have an almost native level of L2
. no one of above
48 Why are scaffolds so important?

. Because they are part of the integrated curriculum
. Because CLIL cannot be understood without them
. Because it makes easier for students to enlarge previous knowledge and internalize new information
. All of them
49 Which of the following statement is false?

. Adults need to be more aware of the language forms they use, which, indirectly, limits their fluency. However, they are able to retain a larger vocabulary and their intellect helps them learn the language faster
. Children are effortless learners and achieve much better result than adults and they are able to retain a lot of words and they can pay attention to peripheral language forms such as structures
. The students with the best grades are the most self-regulated
. No one of above
50 Which one of the following statements is true?

. Younger learners are generally better at learning languages in informal and naturalistic contexts and older learners in formal contexts
. Older learners are generally better at learning languages in informal and naturalistic contexts and younger learners in formal contexts
. Older learners are guided by extrinsic motivation
. Younger learners are more motivated and focused on achieving learning goals
51 Which one of the following statements is true?

. Introverted students are generally good at developing intralinguistic competence
. extroverted students are generally good at developing intralinguistic competence
. The older learners are more extroverted
. No one of above
52 Assumed knowledge is:

. what students know before starting with the didactic unit
. what teacher thinks students must know before starting lesson
. what students know after the didactic unit
. no one of above
53 What are the four stages of a well- structured lesson?

. variety of activities, logical sequence, properly paced, properly timed
. Warm up, presentation, practice, production
. Listening, reading, speaking, writing
54 Students self-assessment can be done at:

. four different levels: listening, reading, speaking, writing
. three different levels: conceptual, procedural and attitudinal knowledge
. two different levels: learning progress and satisfaction with the unit
55 What age do children start losing their brain plasticity?

. six
. three
. nine
56 What is the result of overcorrection?

. better results
. proficient learners
. discouraged learners
57 Students self-assessment can be done at:

. Teacher totally trained
. teacher talking time
. teacher training time
58 When should mistakes be corrected and what sort of mistakes should be corrected?

. always
. only when it´s grammar mistake
. Whenever they say something that would not be understood by a native speaker

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