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IdiomasGroup Evaluation Webquest

Please answer the following questions about how your group worked during the Webquest project.

1.- Did you enjoy working with the group you were in?

2.- Did somebody in the group do most of the work? If so, who?

3.- Did somebody in the group fail to contribute/did not work? If so, who?

4.- Do you believe everyone deserves the same mark? Explain.

5.- Did you like doing the Webquest? Would you like to do another one?

6.- What information did you learn about the United States while doing the project?

Group Evaluation ,Here you will answer some questions about how your group worked during the Webquest project. . Tags:Webquest. Preguntas:8
Inglés4-A ,Primer Parcial -Soul.Rose. Categorías:Primer ,Parcial. Preguntas:25
Español ,Temas del IV Bimestre. Tags:temas. Preguntas:10
description ,rellena con adjetivos. Categorías: ,Francés ,Description ,Vocabulaire. Preguntas:44
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,. Categorías:. Preguntas:39
Irregular verbs ,Con este test te resultará más fácil aprenderte los verbos irregulares en Ingles. . Tags:Irregular ,verbs. Preguntas:9
Use of A and AN ,Pon en practica lo aprendido.. Categorías:a ,an ,uso. Preguntas:10
EUSKARA ERROMANIZAZIOAREN ONDOREN (Mikel C. eta Lander L.) ,Euskararen egoera Erromanizazioaren ondoren aztertuko dugu. Tags:Euskera. Preguntas:12
Dialogue to introduce someone ,This is a dialogue between a boy and a girl at a library, to practice the topic \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"how to introduce yourself\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", let\\\\\\\. Categorías:Dialogue. Preguntas:9

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