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Toronto is the capital city of which Canadian province?

. British Columbia
. Ontario
. Ottawa
What is the main feature of the CN Tower?

. It is a neoclasic building.
. It was built in 1729
. It is one of the highest freestanding structures of the world
Which famous basketball team from Toronto competes in the NBA league?

. The Toronto Maple Leafs.
. The Toronto Argonauts.
. The Toronto Raptors.
Who is the King/Queen of Canada?

. Queen Mary Stuart.
. Queen Elisabeth II.
. Canada is not a monarchy country.
Which famous character saved a woman when she was falling the Niagara Falls?

. Superman.
. Hulk the Incredible.
. Spiderman.
What is the most typical animal of Toronto (and Canada)?

. The bear.
. The racoon.
. The buffalo.
The legal currency of Toronto is...

. The British Pound.
. The Canadian Dollar.
. The American Dollar.
The Toronto Islands are located at...

. Niagara Falls.
. Lake Ontario.
. The Atlantic Ocean.

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