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HistoriaIron Age: Celts

This is the test you have to do to prove you know the contents.
Good luck!!!

Where do the Celts live?

. Spain
. Britain
. Germany
. London
In which period do the Celts live?

. Iron Age
. Pelolithic
. Neolithic
. Modern Age
Which object was made with iron?

. Tal-y-Llyn plaque
. knife
. spoon
. Iron
Whar is an Archeologist?

. a doctor
. a police
. a detective
. a farmer
How were the houses?

. big house
. large house
. small house
. roundhouse
The fire was made for....

. seeing
. cooking and heating
. heating up
Which was the main economical activity?

. agriculture
. industrial
. services
Which metal did they discover?

. copper
. gold
. iron
Which Metalworks did they create?

. Jewellery
. Weapons
. Jewellery and weapons
What colour did the Celts prefer for clothes?

. white
. black
. grey
. coloured clothes
Where the helmet made of bronze?

. No
. Yes
Did the farmers fights?

. yes
. no
Who was Bouddicca?

. a weapon
. a tool
. a fighter
. an animal
Did the Celts believe in God/Godddess?

. Yes, they did
. No they didn't
Who were the "Druids"?

. an animal
. a man
. a priest
Where the Romans good for the Celts?

. Yes, they did
. No they didn't

La conformación del territorio chileno ,La siguiente evaluación corresponde a la unidad 3: La conformación del territorio chileno y de sus dinámicas geográficas. . Categorías:Territorio ,guerra ,expansión ,. Preguntas:11
"La Civilizacion Azteca" ,La cultura Azteca sus costumbres y religion.. Tags:Aztecas. Preguntas:9
guerra civil ,II Republica , guerra civil de España. Categorías:guerra ,civil. Preguntas:24
Pueblos de Chile: Los Mapuches ,Prueba de alternativas Coef I. Tags:Yan ,Castro. Preguntas:8

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