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HistoriaTrivia of English

answer about past events.

¿who was the first official mascot of the world cup?

. a lion
. a bear
. a dog
¿what nationality was the first man to go to the moon?

. American
. African
. European
¿who invented the color TV?

. a Peruvian
. a Spanish
. a mexican
¿who invented the microscope?

. Zacharias Janssen
. Antonio Meucci
. Marcos Gómez
¿who was the first president of Mexico?

. Galileo galilei
. Vicente Fox
. Guadalupe victoria
¿what year was the first Olympics?

. In 1800
. in 1896
. in 1910
¿when the first automobile was invented?

. In 1914
. in 1769
. in 1500
¿which was the first book printed?

. The bible
. cindevella
. the news paper
¿how many people died on the titanic?

. 40
. 1000
. 2228
¿what nationality was cristobal colon?

. Spanish
. Chilean
. Mexican

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