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IdiomasPresent Perfect

Test to practice Present Perfect.

My father _____in Cartagena.

. have lived always
. has lives always
. has always lived
_____________ abroad?

. Have you ever live
. Have you ever lived
. Has you ever lived
My sister_______ married yet.

. have not gotten
. has not got
. has not gotten
The war in Colombia _________ yet.

. has not finished
. have not finished
. has finished not
__________________lunch already?

. Have the teacher eated
. Have the teacher eaten
. Has the teacher eaten
The peace in Colombia ________ since there are many points to discuss.

. Has been difficult to get
. have been difficult to get
. has difficult been
How long_________ the coach of the Colombian soccer team?

. have José Pekerman been
. have José Pekerman being
. has José Pekerman been
__________ in the city where you live?

. Has you always lived
. Have you always lived
My father _______ to own his company.

. have always wants
. have wanted always
. has always wanted
English is easy for you._________ easy for you?

. Have English always been
. Has been English always
. Has English always been
You are good at math.__________ at math?

. Has you always been good
. have been you always good
. Have you always been good
United States ________ a great help for Colombia in the conflict.

. has always been
. have always being
. has been always
She________ her car since she graduated from university.

. have had
. has haved
. has had
ÚNICA________the first place in the Saber Pro exam twice so far.Last year it also did it.

. have gotten
. have got
. has gotten
I________ to be a doctor in order to save people's lives.

. have always wanted
. has wanted always
. has always wanted
Colombia's soccer players ______ a good performance this year.

. has haved
. have had
. has had
I am not from this city, but I________ here for two years.

. has lives
. have liven
. have lived
My teacher is an excellent teacher. She ______ for 15 years.

. have been taught
. has been teaching
. has been teached
My son (receive) _________ the best student award twice this year.

. have receives
. have received
. has received

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