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OtrosMeteorologia Commercial Pilot

Test de meteorología para el examen de la dgac, meteorologia

5301 Every physical process of weather is accompanied by or is the result of

. OPCION A: a heat exchange.
. OPCION B: the movement of air.
. OPCION C: a pressure differential.
5304 Which conditions are favorable for the formation of a surface based temperature inversion?

. OPCION A: Clear, cool nights with calm or light wind.
. OPCION B: Area of unstable air rapidly transferring heat from the surface.
. OPCION C: Broad areas of cumulus clouds with smooth, level bases at the same altitude.
5310 What causes wind?

. OPCION A: The Earth's rotation.
. OPCION B: Air mass modification.
. OPCION C: Pressure differences.
5312 Why does the wind have a tendency to flow parallel to the isobars above the friction level?

. OPCION A: Coriolis force tends to counterbalance the horizontal pressure gradient.
. OPCION B: Coriolis force acts perpendicular to a line connecting the highs and lows.
. OPCION C: Friction of the air with the Earth deflects the air perpendicular to the pressure gradient.
5314 With regard to windflow patterns shown on surface analysis charts; when the isobars are

. OPCION A: close together, the pressure gradient force is slight and wind velocities are weaker.
. OPCION B: not close together, the pressure gradient force is greater and wind velocities are stronger.
. OPCION C: close together, the pressure gradient force is greater and wind velocities are stronger.
5315 What prevents air from flowing directly from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas?

. OPCION C: Pressure gradient force.
. OPCION B: Surface friction.
. OPCION A: Coriolis force.
5317 Which is true with respect to a high- or low-pressure system?

. OPCION A: A high-pressure area or ridge is an area of rising air.
. OPCION B: A low-pressure area or trough is an area of descending air.
. OPCION C: A high-pressure area or ridge is an area of descending air.
5318 Which is true regarding high- or low-pressure systems?

. OPCION A: A high-pressure area or ridge is an area of rising air.
. OPCION B: A low-pressure area or trough is an area of rising air.
. OPCION C: Both high- and low-pressure areas are characterized by descending air.
5320 Which is true regarding actual air temperature and dewpoint temperature spread? The temperature spread

. OPCION A: decreases as the relative humidity decreases.
. OPCION B: decreases as the relative humidity increases.
. OPCION C: increases as the relative humidity increases.
5322 Virga is best described as

. OPCION A: streamers of precipitation trailing beneath clouds which evaporates before reaching the ground.
. OPCION B: wall cloud torrents trailing beneath cumulonimbus clouds which dissipate before reaching the ground.
. OPCION C: turbulent areas beneath cumulonimbus clouds.
5324 Ice pellets encountered during flight normally are evidence that

. OPCION A: a warm front has passed.
. OPCION B: a warm front is about to pass.
. OPCION C: there are thunderstorms in the area.
5323 Moisture is added to a parcel of air by

. OPCION A: sublimation and condensation.
. OPCION B: evaporation and condensation.
. OPCION C: evaporation and sublimation.
5325 What is indicated if ice pellets are encountered at 8,000 feet?

. OPCION A: Freezing rain at higher altitude.
. OPCION B: You are approachig an area of thunderstorms.
. OPCION C: You will encounter hail if you continue your flight.
5326 Ice pellets encountered during flight are normally evidence that

. OPCION A: a cold front has passed.
. OPCION B: there are thunderstorms in the area.
. OPCION C: freezing rain exists at hiher altitudes.
5327 When conditionally unstable air with high-moisture content and very warm surface temperature is forecast, one can expect what type of weather?

. OPCION A: Strong updrafts and stratonimbus clouds.
. OPCION B: Restricted visibility near the surface over a large area.
. OPCION C: Strong updrafts and cumulonimbus clouds.
5328 What is the approximate base of the cumulus clouds if the temperature at 2,000 feet MSL is 10°C and the dewpoint is 1°C?

. OPCION A: 3,000 feet MSL.
. OPCION B: 4,000 feet MSL.
. OPCION C: 6,000 feet MSL.
5329 If clouds form as a result of very stable, moist air being forced to ascend a mountain slope, the clouds will be

. OPCION A: cirrus type with no vertical development or turbulence.
. OPCION B: cumulus type with considerable vertical development and turbulence.
. OPCION C: stratus type with little vertical development and little or no turbulence.
5330 What determines the structure or type of clouds which will form as a result of air being forced to ascend?

. OPCION A: The method by which the air is lifted.
. OPCION B: The stability of the air before lifting occurs.
. OPCION C: The relative humidity of the air after lifting occurs.
5331 Refer to the excerpt from the following METAR report:
KTUS......08004KT 4SM HZ......26/04 A2995 RMK RAE36
At approximately what altitude AGL should bases of convective-type cumuliform clouds be expected?

. OPCION A: 4,400 feet.
. OPCION B: 8,800 feet.
. OPCION C: 17,600 feet.
5332 What are the characteristics of stable air?

. OPCION A: Good visibility; steady precipitation; stratus clouds.
. OPCION B: Poor visibility; steady precipitation; stratus clouds.
. OPCION C: Poor visibility; intermittent precipitation; cumulus clouds.
5333 Which would decrease the stability of an air mass?

. OPCION A: Warming from below.
. OPCION B: Cooling from below.
. OPCION C: Decrease in water vapor.
5334 From which measurement of the atmosphere can stability be determined?

. OPCION A: Atmospheric pressure.
. OPCION B: The ambient lapse rate.
. OPCION C: The dry adiabatic lapse rate.
5335 What type weather can one expect from moist, unstable air, and very warm surface temperatures?

. OPCION A: Fog and low stratus clouds.
. OPCION B: Continuous heavy precipitation.
. OPCION C: Strong updrafts and cumulonimbus clouds.

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