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IdiomasModal Verbs

Let's practice!

Rachel work on Saturdays

. has to
. have to
They have sent it already.

. must
. don't
You work harder if you want to pass.

. have to
. don't have to
She to phone me before the midnight.

. has
. must
If you have a headache, you take a pill.

. should
. does not have to
We talk as soon as possible

. have to
. has to
I get up early today

. don’t have to
. has to
Peter come home tonight

. has to
. have to
You have talked to me

. should
. does not have to
They go out today

. shouldn't
. does not have to

Modal Verbs ,Let's see if you are a 'modal verb expert'! . Tags:modal ,verbs ,should ,must ,have ,to. Preguntas:10
Countries and nationalities ,Co este test puedes saber si conoces paises y nacionalidades en inglés. Categorías:Spain ,Spanish ,Italy ,Italian ,Germany ,German ,English ,England ,China ,Chinese ,Japan ,Japanese ,Ireland ,Irish ,Mexico ,Mexican ,Portugal ,Portuguese. Preguntas:10
verbs in english ,Write correct tense and translate following verbs. Tags:verbos ,verbs ,english ,inglés ,anglès ,. Preguntas:58
Vocabulario Francés ,Vas a recibir una lista de palabras en español y deberás escribirlas correctamente y sin faltas de ortografía en francés.. Categorías:Francés. Preguntas:17
Basic sums ,Basic sums. Tags:Saums. Preguntas:10
How much do you know about fashion? ,Here you can test how much do you know about vocabulary connected with fashion.. Categorías:fashion-english-vocabulary-test-style-teach-learn-students-stuff. Preguntas:10
Qui sap més en valencià ,per a practicar el valencià. Tags:valencià. Preguntas:15
Adittion ,Adittion. Categorías:Adittion. Preguntas:12
What are we going during our holidays? ,This text has been created in order to know what have you learnt about the different activities you can practice in the beach or in the mountain. . Tags:holidays ,activities ,. Preguntas:10
Past tense verbs quiz 1 ,repaso de verbos en inglés. Categorías:past ,tense ,verbs ,past ,simple. Preguntas:15
Many/Much ,Many/Much, Some/Any, There is, there are. Tags:Many/Much. Preguntas:30
Past Continuous ,past continuous. Categorías:past ,continuous. Preguntas:12

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